英語 編集

語源 編集

ラテン語:attrahere引き付けるad~へ + trahere引く)の過去分詞形attractusより。

発音 編集

  • IPA: /ə.ˈtrækt/
  • (ファイル)

動詞 編集

attract (三単現: attracts, 現在分詞: attracting, 過去形: attracted, 過去分詞: attracted )

  1. (他動詞) (人を)魅了する。魅惑する。(興味関心を)引く
    • 1914年, Carolyn Wells, "Patty's Suitors"[1]
      I'm too dull and commonplace to attract a beautiful butterfly like you.
  2. (他動詞)電磁力万有引力などによって物体を)ける。引き寄せる。
    • 1852年, Henry Kater, "A Treatise on Mechanics"[2]
      When glass, wax, amber, and other substances are submitted to friction with silken or woollen cloth, they are observed to attract feathers, and other light bodies placed near them.
  3. (他動詞) (人・金などを)呼び寄せる。誘致する。
    • 2008年, George W. Bush, "Remarks on the War on Terror"[3]
      This is a city whose capital markets have attracted investments from around the world and financed the dreams of entrepreneurs all across America.

派生語 編集


  1. Carolyn Wells. "Patty's Suitors". New edition. 1914. (Posting Date: May 30, 2013. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/5631/pg5631.html)
  2. Henry Kater. "A Treatise on Mechanics". New edition. 1852. (Release Date: August 17, 2021. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/66078/66078-h/66078-h.htm)
  3. George W. Bush. Speech on Financial Markets and the World Economy. November 13, 2008. https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/november-13-2008-speech-financial-markets-and-world-economy