イド語 編集

前置詞 編集


  1. ~から離れて。

英語 編集

発音 編集

同音異義語 編集

接続詞 編集


  1. (理由)故になぜならば
  2. (非標準)(目的)するために
    • He took the swing shift for he could get more overtime.

翻訳 編集

前置詞 編集


  1. (方向)~、~に向けて。
    • The astronauts headed for the moon.
    • Run for the hills!
    • He was headed for the door when he remembered.
  2. ~のために。に向けて。の利益になるように。
    • I have something for you.
    • Everything I do, I do for you.
    • We're having a birthday party for Janet.
    • The mayor gave a speech for the charity gala.
  3. ~の目的で。に用いて。の用途で。
    • This is a new bell for my bicycle.
    • The cake is for Tom and Helen's anniversary.
    • These apples here are for eating. The rest are for throwing away.
  4. ~に賛同して(対義語against).
    • All those for the motion raise your hands.
    • Who's for ice-cream?
    • I'm for going by train.
    • Ten voted for, and three against.
  5. ~の理由で
    • He wouldn't apologize; and just for that, she refused to help him.
    • He looks better for having lost weight. (英用法)
    • She was the worse for drink.
    • I like her for lots of reasons.
  6. ~を治すために。改善・対応のために。
    • This medicine is for your cough.
    • I need to spray my house for termites.
  7. 時間期間の長さを示す。~のあいだ。~
    • 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden"[1]
      She could not help thinking about the garden which no one had been into for ten years.
    • 1915年, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[2]
      For half an hour they ransacked the mill.
    • 1913年, William T. Hornaday, "Our Vanishing Wild Life"[3]
      In general terms it may be stated that this species has been extinct for about a century.
  8. を通して。
    • I can see for miles.
  9. to不定詞の主語。
    • It is unreasonable for our boss to withhold our wages.
    • All I want is for you to be happy.
  10. の代わりに。代理で。
    • I will stand in for him.
    • I speak for the Prime Minister.
  11. の代替物として。
    • I used a hay bale for a bed.
    • He's got a turnip for a brain.
  12. と引き換えに。に応じて。
    • I got five hundred pounds for that old car!
    • He matched me blow for blow.
  13. を目指して。求めて。得ようと。
    • I am aiming for completion by the end of business Thursday.
    • He's going for his doctorate.
    • Do you want to go for coffee?
    • People all over Greece looked to Delphi for answers.
    • Can you go to the store for some eggs?
    • I'm saving up for a car.
    • Don't wait for an answer.
    • What did he ask you for?
  14. としては。にとっては。のわりには。を考慮すると。
    • Fair for its day.
    • She's spry for an old lady.
    • He's very mature, for a two-year old.
  15. とみなして。
    • Don't take me for a fool.
  16. (通常"for all"の形で)にもかかわらず。したのに。
    • For all his expensive education, he didn't seem very bright.
  17. を欲しがって。望んで。
    • O for the wings of a dove.
    • Ah! for wings to soar …
    • And now for a slap-up meal!
  18. ("for a start"などの形で)第一。そもそも。
    • Go scuba diving? For one thing, I can't even swim.
  19. (主に, 米語, 名前について) にちなんで。
    • He is named for his grandfather.
  20. を待ち受けて。になりそうで。
    • He totally screwed up that project. Now he's surely for the sack.
  21. (主に, 米語) のうち。
    • In term of base hits, Jones was three for four on the day.
  22. (クリケット, 点数表示) 〜イニングで。
    • At close of play, England were 305 for 3.

エスペラント 編集

副詞 編集


  1. 遠くへ、かなたに。

スウェーデン語 編集

動詞 編集


  1. fare行くする) の過去形。

デンマーク語 編集

接続詞 編集


  1. 故に、なぜならば。

前置詞 編集


  1. 、~に向けて。~ための。

動詞 編集


  1. fare行くする)の過去形。

ノルウェー語 編集

接続詞 編集


  1. 故に、なぜならば。

類義語 編集

前置詞 編集


  1. 、~に向けて。~ための。

ポルトガル語 編集

発音 編集

動詞 編集


  1. ir の接続法未来第一・第三人称単数形。
  2. ser の接続法未来第一・第三人称単数形。

ラテン語 編集

発音 編集

  • (古典ラテン語) IPA(?): /for/, [fɔr]
  • (教会ラテン語) IPA(?): /for/, [fɔr]

動詞 編集


  1. fārīの直説法能相現在第一人称単数形。


  1. Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden". 1911. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. August, 1994. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/17396/17396-h/17396-h.htm)
  2. John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps". 1915. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: June, 1996. Last updated: October 30, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/558/558-h/558-h.htm)
  3. William T. Hornaday. "Our Vanishing Wild Life". 1913. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: August 22, 2004. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13249/13249-h/13249-h.htm)