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# 限界、境界
#* '''1900''', [[w:Jack London|Jack London]], ''[[s:Son of the Wolf/The Wisdom of the Trail|Son of the Wolf:The Wisdom of the Trail]]'':
#*: ''Men so situated, beyond the '''pale''' of the honor and the law, are not to be trusted.''
#* '''1919''', B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols, ''[[s:Searchlights on Health/When and Whom to Marry|Searchlights on Health:When and Whom to Marry]]'':
#*: ''All things considered, we advise the male reader to keep his desires in check till he is at least twenty-five, and the female not to enter the '''pale''' of wedlock until she has attained the age of twenty.''
# 《古語・廃語》≪the Pale≫ ある国の中に別の国が保有する領土、防衛拠点。イギリスの植民地支配におけるアイルランドのダブリンやフランスのカレー近辺の地域を指す。
# 《古語・廃語》権力による支配権又は領有権の及ぶ範囲