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#*1879年, Henrik Ibsen, "A Doll's House"<ref>Henrik Ibsen. "A Doll's House". 1879. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: December 13, 2008. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2542/2542-h/2542-h.htm)</ref>
#*:You know Torvald left his office when we were married? There was no prospect of promotion there, and he had to '''try and earn''' more than before.
#*::私たちが結婚したとき、トーヴァルが職場を去ったのは知っているでしょう? そこで出世の見通しはなかったし、彼は以前にも増して稼ぐよう努めなければならなかったの。
#*19021878年, John Strange Winter, "A Christmas PartyFairy"<ref>John Strange Winter. "A Christmas PartyFairy". (Brave and True —Short stories for children) 19021878. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: DecemberMarch 1311, 20082009. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/254228306/254228306-h/254228306-h.htm)</ref>
#*:"I can't help being disappointed, Miss Ware," said Bertie, his eyes filling afresh and his lips quivering.
#*:"No, dear boy; you would be anything but a nice boy if you were not. But I want you to '''try and think''' of your poor Mother, who is full of trouble and anxiety, [...]"