削除された内容 追加された内容
ボットによる: 古い言語間リンクを掃除
* {{enPR|fīnd}}, {{IPA|faɪnd}}, {{X-SAMPA|faInd}}
6 ⟶ 7行目:
[[カテゴリ:英語 動詞 不規則変化]]
{{en-verb|finds|finding|'''[[found]]''' 又は '''[[fand]]'''(方言)|'''[[found]]''' 又は {{qualifier|archaic}} '''[[founden]]'''}}
11 ⟶ 13行目:
[[カテゴリ:英語 動詞 不規則変化]]
#*1902年, Alice Mabel Bacon, "Japanese Girls and Women"<ref>Alice Mabel Bacon "Japanese Girls and Women". Revised and Enlarged Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston and New York. 1902. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: May 20, 2010. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/32449/32449-h/32449-h.htm)</ref>
#*:These Japanese baths are usually heated to a temperature of a hundred to a hundred and twenty Fahrenheit,—a temperature that most foreigners visiting Japan '''find''' almost unbearable.
#*1922年, Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe, "The Working of Steel"<ref>Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe "The Working of Steel". Second ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York. 1922. (Project Gutenberg. January 4, 2007. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/20282/20282-h/20282-h.htm)</ref>
#*:In the absence of specific directions the following general suggestions from several makers will be '''found''' helpful.
* (語義1)[[lose]]
26 ⟶ 37行目:
* [[discovery]], [[catch]]