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Mtodo (トーク | 投稿記録)
Mtodo (トーク | 投稿記録)
##: ''You're going to '''catch''' a beating if they find out.''
## {{transitive+|intransitive+}} (光や風を)受ける。
##: ''The bucket '''catches''' water from the [[downspout]].''
##: ''The trees '''caught''' quickly in the dry wind.''
##: ''The sunlight '''caught''' the leaves and the trees turned to gold.''
97 ⟶ 101行目:
## {{transitive+}} (病気に)[[かかる|罹る]]、[[罹患]]する。
##: ''Everyone seems to be '''catching''' the flu this week.''
## {{transitive+}}(銃などで)撃たれる。
## {{transitive+|intransitive+}} To [[receive]] or be affected by (wind, water, fire etc.). {{defdate|from 18th c.}}
##: ''The bucket '''catches''' water from the downspout.''
##: ''The trees '''caught''' quickly in the dry wind.''
## {{transitive+}} To [[acquire]], as though by infection; to take on through sympathy or infection. {{defdate|from 16th c.}}
##: ''She finally '''caught''' the mood of the occasion.''
## {{transitive+}} To be [[hit]] by something. {{jump|be hit|s}}
##: ''He '''caught''' a bullet in the back of the head last year.''
## {{intransitive+}} To [[serve]] well or poorly for catching, especially for catching fish.
# [[理解]]する。
## {{transitive+}} [[しる|知る]]、[[わかる|解る]]、[[理解]]する。
111 ⟶ 110行目:
##: ''Did you '''catch''' the way she looked at him?''
## {{transitive+}} To ~を[[take in鑑賞]]; to [[watch]] or [[listen to]] (an entertainment). {{defdate|from 20th c.}}する。
##: ''I have some free time tonight so I think I'll '''catch''' a movie.''
## {{transitive+}} To [[reproduce]] or [[echo]] a spirit or idea faithfully. {{defdate|from 17th c.}}
## {{transitive+}} 内心に思うことを再現する。
##: ''You've really '''caught''' his determination in this sketch.''
# 心を捉える、興味を持たせる。
## {{transitive+}} ~を[[魅了]]する。
160 ⟶ 161行目:
#: ''The '''catch''' of the [[perpetrator]] was the product of a year of police work.''
# {{countable+}} ボールをキャッチすること、[[捕球]] {{jump|捕球|s|t}}。
#: ''The player made an impressive '''catch'''.''
#: ''Nice '''catch'''!''
# {{countable+}} [[理解]](力){{jump|理解力|s|t}}。
#: ''Good '''catch'''. I never would have remembered that.''
171 ⟶ 172行目:
#: ''The kids love to [[play catch|play '''catch''']].''
# {{countable+}} A [[findあいかた|相方]], in particular a 、特に、[[boyfriend恋人]] or [[girlfriend婚約者]] or prospective [[spouse]]. {{jump|a find相方|s|t}}
#: ''Did you see his latest '''catch'''?''
#: ''He's a good '''catch'''.''
# {{countable+}} Something which is captured or caught. {{jump|something caught|t}}
# {{countable+}} [[捕獲物]]。
#: ''The fishermen took pictures of their '''catch'''.''
# {{uncountable+}} The amount which is caught, especially of [[fish]]. {{jump|quantity captured|s}}
# {{uncountable+}} [[捕獲量]]、特に[[漁獲量]]{{jump|漁獲量|s}}
#: ''The '''catch''' amounted to five tons of [[swordfish]].''
# {{countable+}} A stopping [[mechanism]], especially a [[clasp]] which stops something from [[open]]ing. {{jump|stopping mechanism|s|t}}
#: ''She installed a sturdy '''catch''' to keep her cabinets closed tight.''
# {{countable+}} A [[hesitation留め具]] in voice, caused by strong emotion.{{jump|留め具|s}}
#: ''She installed a [[sturdy]] '''catch''' to keep her cabinets closed tight.''
# {{countable+}} ためらい声、声が詰まること。
#: ''There was a '''catch''' in his voice when he spoke his father's name.''
# {{countable+|sometimes|_|noun adjunct}} A concealed [[difficulty]], especially in a [[deal]] or [[negotiation]]. {{jump|hidden difficulty|s|t}}
# {{countable+|すばしば|_|付加名詞}} [[ひっかけ]]、[[わな]]{{jump|わな|s}}。
#: ''It sounds like a great idea, but what's the '''catch'''?''
#: ''Be careful, that's a '''catch''' question.''
# {{countable+}} A [[crick]]; a sudden muscle pain during unaccustomed positioning when the muscle is in use.
# {{countable+}} 筋肉[[痙攣]]{{jump|痙攣|s}}。
#: ''I bent over to see under the table and got a '''catch''' in my side.''
# {{countable+}} 音楽や詩の一節{{jump|音楽等の一節|s}}
# {{obsolete}} [[まちぶせ|待ち伏せ]]。
# {{countable+|農業}} 種が発芽し根を張ること。
201 ⟶ 211行目:
* {{jump|s|捕獲}} [[seizure]], [[capture]], [[collar]], [[snatch]]
* {{jump|s|捕球}} [[grasp]], [[snatch]]
* {{jump|s|理解力|t}} [[observation]]
* {{jump|s|a find|t相方}} [[prize]], [[find]]; [[conquest]], [[beau]]
* {{jump|s|quantity captured漁獲量}} [[haul]], [[take]]
* {{jump|s|stopping mechanism|t留め具}} [[stop]], [[chock]]; [[clasp]], [[latch]]
* {{jump|s|hidden difficulty|tわな}} [[snag]], [[problem]]; [[trick]], [[gimmick]], [[hitch]]
* {{jump|s|痙攣}} [[crick]]
* {{jump|s|音楽等の一節}} [[snatch]], [[fragment]]; [[snippet]], [[bit]]
* {{jump|s|リフレイン}} [[chorus]], [[refrain]], [[burden]]