削除された内容 追加された内容
r2.7.1) (ロボットによる 追加: eu:live
Mtodo (トーク | 投稿記録)
==={{etym}} 1===
*{{etyl|ang}}:{{term|libban||lang=ang}}, {{term|lifian||生きる|lang=ang}}
* {{ipaenPR|lĭv}}, {{IPA|lɪv}}, {{X-SAMPA|lIv}}
* {{sampa|lIv}}
=== 動詞 ===
=== 自動詞 ===
# {{自動詞}}{{おくりがな|生|きる|いきる}}。
#: ''He's not expected to '''live''' for more than a few months.''
'''to live'''
# {{自動詞}}{{おくりがな||きる|いきるすむ}}
#: ''I '''live''' at 2a Acacia Avenue.''
# {{おくりがな|住|む|すむ}}
#: ''He '''lives''' in [[LA]], but he's staying here over the summer.''
# {{自動詞}} あり続ける、居続ける、[[のこる|残る]]。
* {{de}} : [[leben]] (1), [[wohnen]], [[leben]] (2)
#: ''Her memory '''lives''' in that song.''
* {{fr}} : [[vivre]] (1), [[habiter]] (2)
* {{it}} : [[vivere]] (1), [[abitare]] (2)
# {{自動詞|誇張法}} ずっと相手をする。
#: ''You'll just have to '''live''' with it!''
# {{他動詞|同族目的語}} 人生を送る。
#: ''to '''live''' an idle or a useful life.''
* [[lively]]
* [[outlive]]
* [[overlive]]
* [[relive]]
* [[live and die]]
* [[live and let live]]
* [[live down]]
* [[live for the day]]
* [[live in sin]]
* [[live large]]
* [[live off]]
* [[live on]]
* [[live on the edge]]
* [[live out]]
* [[live over]]
* [[live up]]
* [[live with]]
* [[long live]]
==={{etym}} 2===
# [[実写]]-
#* ''a live-action [[film]]''
# [[生き]]-
#* ''live [[bait]]''
* {{enPR|līv}}, {{IPA|laɪv}}, {{X-SAMPA|laIv}}
*: [[file:en-us-live-adj.ogg]]
# {{context|限定用法のみ}} 生きている、[[生存]]している。
#: ''The post office will not [[ship]] '''live''' animals.''
# [[いける|生ける]]、[[現実]]の。
#: ''He is a '''live''' example of the consequences of excessive drinking.''
# 活力のある。
# [[本番]]の。
# {{context|放送}} [[実況]]の、[[ライブ]](放送)の、[[なま]]の。
#: ''The station presented a '''live''' news program every evening.''
# (音楽や演説が)[[実演]]の、ライブの。
#: ''This night club has a '''live''' band on weekends.''
# [[実弾]]の。
#: ''The air force practices dropping '''live''' bombs on the uninhabited island.''
# {{context|circuitry}} 充電された。
#: ''Use caution when working near '''live''' wires.''
# {{context|ポーカー}} まだレイズが可能であること。
#: ''Tommy's blind was '''live''', so he was given the option to raise.''
#:[[live actors]], [[live action]]
* {{sense|生きている}} [[living]], [[alive]]
* {{sense|充電された}} [[hot]]
* {{sense|実演の}} [[in person]], [[in the flesh]]
* {{sense|生きている}} [[dead]]
* {{sense|実弾の}} [[blank]], [[dummy]]
* {{sense|充填された}} [[neutral]], [[tired]], [[dead]]
* {{sense|実況の}} [[recorded]], [[prerecorded]]
* {{sense|実演の}} [[broadcast]]
* {{sense|人が実演する}} [[animated]]
* [[lively]]
* [[live actors]]
* [[live action]]
* [[live album]]
* [[live broadcast]]
* [[live recording]]
* [[live one]]
* [[live wire]]
# [[ライブ]]で、生の。
#: ''The concert was broadcast '''live''' by radio.''
# 実演の。
#: ''He'll be appearing '''live''' at the auditorium.