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Ninomy (トーク | 投稿記録)
en:Wiktionary:General disclaimer2004年6月5日 (土) 02:08(新しい方)より wpを参考にしたりして訳さないと
Ninomy (トーク | 投稿記録)
冒頭部を和訳 本文をちょっとだけ和訳 wpからもらってきたほうが楽だけど
'''General disclaimer''' - [[:en:Wiktionary:Risk disclaimer|Use Wiktionary at your own risk!]] - [[:en:Wiktionary:Medical disclaimer|Wiktionary does not give medical advice]] - [[:en:Wiktionary:Legal disclaimer|Wiktionary does not give legal opinions]]
'''免責事項''' - [[:en:Wiktionary:Risk disclaimer|ウィクショナリーの利用は各自の責任で!]] - [[:en:Wiktionary:Medical disclaimer|ウィクショナリーは医学的アドバイスをしません]] - [[:en:Wiktionary:Legal disclaimer|ウィクショナリーは法的な意見をしません]]
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P<small>LEASE</small> R<small>EAD</small> T<small>HE</small> S<small>TATEMENT</small> B<small>ELOW</small> C<small>AREFULLY</small> B<small>EFORE</small> L<small>EAVING</small> T<small>HIS</small> P<small>AGE</small>
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W<small>IKTIONARY</small> M<small>AKES</small> N<small>O</small> G<small>UARANTEE</small> O<small>F</small> V<small>ALIDITY</small>
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'''Wiktionary''' is an online open-content dictionary, that is, a voluntary association of individuals and groups who are developing a common resource of human knowledge. Its structure allows any individual with an Internet connection and World Wide Web browser to alter the content found here. Therefore, please be advised that nothing found here has necessarily been reviewed by professionals who are knowledgeable in the particular areas of expertise necessary to provide you with complete, accurate or reliable information about any subject in ''Wiktionary''.
That's not to say that you won't find much valuable and accurate information at ''Wiktionary'', however please be advised that '''''Wiktionary'' CANNOT guarantee, in any way whatsoever, the validity of the information found here.''' It may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone whose opinion does not correspond with the state of knowledge in the particular area you are interested in learning about.