英語 編集

語源 編集

brake +‎ -man

発音 編集

  • (ファイル)

名詞 編集

brakeman (複数 brakemen)

  1. (交通, 職業) 制動手
    • 1953年. Mary Elting. "Trains at Work"[1]
      If the train makes an emergency stop, the men take care that no other train will bump into them. One brakeman runs out ahead and the other runs back along the track with signal flags to warn the other trains.

類義語 編集

参照 編集

アナグラム 編集


  1. Mary Elting. "Trains at Work". 1953. Duenewald Printing Corporation. (Project Gutenberg. Release date: September 11, 2017. Most recently updated: January 24, 2021. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/55525/pg55525-images.html)