編集- IPA: /θə(r)ˈmɒmətə(r)/
編集thermometer (複数 thermometers)
編集- absolute thermometer
- adjustable contact
- air-temperature thermometer
- air thermometer
- alcohol thermometer
- auxiliary thermometer
- bath thermometer
- Beckmann differential thermometer
- Beckmann thermometer
- bimetallic stem thermometer
- bimetallic thermometer
- bi-metal mechanical thermometer
- bulb of a thermometer
- calibrate a thermometer
- calibrated thermometer
- capillary thermometer
- Celsius's thermometer
- Celsius thermometer
- Celsius' thermometer
- Centigrade thermometer, centigrade thermometer
- clinical thermometer
- constant pressure air thermometer
- constant pressure thermometer, constant-pressure thermometer
- constant volume air thermometer
- constant volume gas thermometer
- constant volume thermometer, constant-volume thermometer
- contact thermometer
- Coulomb Blockade Thermometer (CBT)
- Delisle's thermometer
- Delisle thermometer
- dial thermometer
- digital thermometer
- differential thermometer
- direct-reading thermometer
- ear thermometer
- electronic registering thermometer
- electronic thermometer
- empirical thermometer
- ethanol-filled thermometer
- Fahrenheit's thermometer
- Fahrenheit thermometer
- fever thermometer
- filament thermometer
- film thermometer
- freezer thermometer
- fridge thermometer
- Galilean thermometer
- Galileo's thermometer
- Galileo thermometer
- glass thermometer
- Hauksbee's thermometer
- Hauksbee thermometer
- infrared thermometer
- kerosene-filled thermometer
- kerosene thermometer
- Linnaeus's thermometer
- Linnaeus thermometer
- Linnaeus' thermometer
- liquid crystal thermometer
- liquid-in-glass thermometer
- maximum and minimum thermometer
- maximum thermometer
- maximum-minimum thermometer, maximum minimum thermometer
- meat thermometer
- mechanical registering thermometer
- medical centigrade thermometer
- medical thermometer
- mercurial thermometer
- mercury-filled thermometer
- mercury-in-glass thermometer
- mercury thermometer
- minimum and maximum thermometer
- minimum thermometer
- minimum-maximum thermometer, minimum maximum thermometer
- non-registering thermometer
- oven thermometer
- patio thermometer
- pill thermometer
- platinum resistance thermometer (PRT)
- pocket thermometer
- primary thermometer
- protected thermometer
- read the thermometer
- Réaumur's thermometer, Reaumur's thermometer
- Réaumur thermometer, Reaumur thermometer
- recording thermometer
- reference thermometer
- registering thermometer
- remote-reading thermometer
- resistance thermometer
- reversing thermometer
- secondary thermometer
- self-registering thermometer
- Six's maximum and minimum thermometer
- Six's thermometer
- spirit-filled thermometer
- spirit thermometer
- standard thermometer
- steel-tube mercury thermometer
- thermometer bulb
- thermometer code
- thermometer column
- thermometer reading
- thermometer scale
- thermometer temperature reading
- the thermometer is pointing to 7 degrees
- the thermometer shows 100 degrees
- toluene-filled thermometer
- turnover-thermometer
- unprotected reversing thermometer
- unprotected thermometer
- vapor pressure thermometer
- vapour pressure thermometer
- wet-bulb thermometer
- wine thermometer
- wire-wound thermometer
編集- thermistors
- thermocouple
- thermometric
- thermometrical
- thermometrically
- thermometry
- thermoscope
- thermostat
編集thermometer 男性 (複数 thermometers)