英語 編集

名詞 編集

tool steel (可算 及び 不可算複数 tool steels

  1. 工具鋼
    • Tool steel and other fine steels should be very low in sulphur, preferably not higher than 0.03 per cent. (Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe. "The Working of Steel")〔1922年〕[1]
    • The kind shown at A is usually made of tool steel and the body is finished to a standard size. (Franklin D. Jones "Turning and Boring")〔1914年〕[2]


  1. Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe "The Working of Steel". Second ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York. 1922. (Project Gutenberg. January 4, 2007. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/20282/20282-h/20282-h.htm)
  2. Franklin D. Jones. "Turning and Boring". First ed. The Industrial Press. New York. 1914. (Project Gutenberg. October 4, 2010. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/34030/34030-h/34030-h.htm)