
最新のコメント:13 年前 | 投稿者:Mtodo

The phrase "Since when do I need your permission?" does not mean anything even remotely similar to the translation given on this page. The current Japanese is something akin to "When can I expect to receive your permission?" A better translation would be something close to "Who do you think you are telling me what to do?" Pragmatics are important.

I can't remember my login, but I'm a linguistics graduate student at Indiana University and a native speaker of English. Someone who is a native speaker in Japanese would be in a better position to fix that sentence.

なるほど、単なる疑問というより、皮肉を込めた表現ということですね。ご指摘を受け、ちょっと改善してみました。いかがでしょうか。ちなみに、私には、"Who do you think you are~"という表現が新鮮でしたが。
ご指摘ありがとうございました。--Mtodo 2011年5月3日 (火) 01:22 (UTC)返信