カテゴリ・トーク:英語 動詞 動名詞のみを目的語とするもの
執筆依頼の一環としてen:Appendix:English catenative verbs#Catenative Verbs Followed by a Gerundより移植。
- He admitted taking the money.
- I advise leaving immediately.
- I would appreciate receiving more help with this.
- Please avoid touching the goods on display.
- I can't help liking the way he smiles.
- I have completed painting the kitchen.
- Have you considered working at the factory?
- We had to delay travelling because of the weather.
- I deny taking the money.
- I detest working on Sundays.
- I dislike working on Saturdays.
- I enjoy watching snooker on the TV.
- He escaped being run over by about a millisecond!
- When you finish painting the shed, let me know.
- They forbid smoking in the restaurant.
- Can you imagine winning the lottery?
- Would you mind closing the window, please?
- I miss playing football with my friends.
- Do they permit smoking in here?
- I like to practice playing the piano every day.
- I wish I could quit smoking.
- I recall meeting you at the convention in New York.
- I can recommend washing your clothes with this product.
- I resent seeing him enjoying himself as if nothing has happened.
- How can you resist eating those lovely chocolates?
- We will resume discussing this matter tomorrow.
- We can't risk working in the dark.
- Note This verb is most commonly found in the form can't stand.
- I can't stand walking in the rain.
- I suggest asking your teacher about it.
- I won't tolerate swearing in this office.
- That door wants painting.
- Note Catenative phrasal verbs in general are followed by the gerund.
- I gave up smoking last year.
カテゴリ:英語 動詞 動名詞のみを目的語とするものに関する議論を始める
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