put out
編集- (火やタバコを)消す。消火する。
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[1]
- He leaped on to the barge and dipped up pails of water. Peter helped him and they put out the fire.
- 彼は艀に飛び移ると、バケツで水をすくい上げた。ピーターが彼を手伝って、彼らは火を消した。
- He leaped on to the barge and dipped up pails of water. Peter helped him and they put out the fire.
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[1]
- 外に出す。
- 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett, "The Secret Garden"[2]
- She came close to the bed and he put out his hand and touched her.
- 彼女がベッドに近寄ると、彼は手を外に出して彼女に触れた。
- She came close to the bed and he put out his hand and touched her.
- 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett, "The Secret Garden"[2]
編集- ↑ E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1874/1874-h/1874-h.htm)
- ↑ Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden". 1911. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. August, 1994. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/17396/17396-h/17396-h.htm)