英語 編集

語源 編集

beside +‎ 接尾辞 "-s"

発音 編集

  • (アメリカ英語) IPA(?): /bəˈsaɪdz/, /biˈsaɪdz/ :

前置詞 編集


  1. (廃語) ~の傍らに。
  2. ~のに。~に加えて。
    • 1895年, W. M. Baskervill and J. W. Sewell, "An English Grammar"[1]
      Besides considering persons, animals, and things separately, we may think of them in groups, and appropriate names to the groups. Thus, men in groups may be called a crowd, or a mob, a committee, or a council, or a congress, etc.
  3. ~を除いて。~以外の。
    • 2020年, Bryan Lynn, "Green Glow Spotted for First Time Around Mars "[2]
      A European spacecraft has discovered a green glow of oxygen in the atmosphere surrounding Mars. It is the first time this bright green light has been seen around any planet besides Earth.

類義語 編集



副詞 編集

besides (比較形なし)

  1. (conjunctive) ~もまた。
  2. (接続副詞) さらに。加えて。
    • 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[3]
      “The Witch of the South. She is the most powerful of all the Witches, and rules over the Quadlings. Besides, her castle stands on the edge of the desert, so she may know a way to cross it.”
    • 1948年, Ruth Stiles Gannett. "My Father's Dragon"[4]
      He was too young to fly very well, and besides, he had bruised one wing quite badly, so he couldn't get back to his cloud.
  3. (conjunctive) その他。
  4. (廃語) 一方。

類義語 編集




参照 編集


  1. W. M. Baskervill and J. W. Sewell. "An English Grammar". 1895. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: November 10, 2004. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/14006/14006-h/14006-h.htm)
  2. Bryan Lynn. June 21, 2020. "Green Glow Spotted for First Time Around Mars " VOA Learning English. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/green-glow-spotted-for-first-time-around-mars/5466666.html 2023年10月27日参照
  3. L. Frank Baum. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". 1900. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: February, 1993. Most recently updated: October 19, 2020. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55/55-h/55-h.htm)
  4. Ruth Stiles Gannett. "My Father's Dragon". 1948. Random House. (Project Gutenberg. September 18, 2009. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/30017/30017-h/30017-h.htm)