give a hard time
編集- 迷惑をかける、困難な目にあわせる。
- During WWII, German troops gave the Allies a hard time in Italy, but eventually the Allies broke through.
- 第二次世界大戦中、ドイツ軍は連合軍をイタリア戦線で苦しめた、しかし最終的に連合軍は打ち勝った。
- During WWII, German troops gave the Allies a hard time in Italy, but eventually the Allies broke through.
- からかう。
- He's usually pretty good-natured when the children give him a hard time about his bald spot.
- 彼は、子供が禿があるのをからかっても、いつも温厚さを失わない。
- He's usually pretty good-natured when the children give him a hard time about his bald spot.