英語 編集

語源 編集


発音 編集

  • IPA(?): /taɪˈkuːn/
  • 押韻: -uːn

名詞 編集

tycoon (複数 tycoons)

  1. 他国に呼ばせた、江戸時代征夷大将軍称号日本国大君大君
    • Choshu, in common with many of his fellow Daimyos, was bitterly opposed to the rule of the shôgun or tycoon, and when this rule resulted in the conclusion of the treaty with Commodore M. C. Perry in 1854, the smouldering discontent broke out into open hostility against both parties to the compact. ("Ito, Hirobumi". Encyclopadia Britannica.)〔1911年〕[1]
  2. (1から転じて)とても裕福で大きな影響力を持つ経済成功者
    • As factories multiplied and profits grew, the winnings of the new economy became more and more concentrated in the hands of a few robber barons, railroad tycoons and oil magnates. (Barack Obama. Remarks of Senator Barack Obama)〔2006年〕[2]

類義語 編集

派生語 編集


  1. "Ito, Hirobumi". Encyclopadia Britannica (Eleventh Edition). Cambridge University Press. Volume 15. p. 86. https://archive.org/stream/EB1911WMF/VOL15_ITALY-KYSHTYM#page/n2/mode/2up
  2. Barack Obama. Remarks of Senator Barack Obama. Feb. 26, 2006 . https://votesmart.org/public-statement/242201/remarks-of-senator-barack-obama-at-the-lobbying-reform-summit#.XKNRYZj7SF4