英語 編集

副詞 編集

so far

  1. までところこれまでのところ。
    • 1915年, John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps"[1]
      So far I had been miraculously lucky. The milkman, the literary innkeeper, Sir Harry, the roadman, and the idiotic Marmie, were all pieces of undeserved good fortune.
    • 2020年, Lisa Schlein, "World Leaders Urge Solidarity to Defeat COVID-19 Pandemic "[2]
      So far, COVID-19 has largely created social and economic havoc in the world's richer countries.

類義語 編集

複合語 編集


  1. John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps". 1915. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: June, 1996. Last updated: October 30, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/558/558-h/558-h.htm)
  2. Lisa Schlein. May 18, 2020. "World Leaders Urge Solidarity to Defeat COVID-19 Pandemic " Voice of America. https://www.voanews.com/a/covid-19-pandemic_world-leaders-urge-solidarity-defeat-covid-19-pandemic/6189496.html 2021年11月15日参照