

こんにちは、ジダネさん、はじめまして。Ninomy - chatと申します。ウィクショナリーへようこそ。

 編集ボタンの隣の「ノートページ」には、その記事に対する自分の意見や主張を書き込むことができます。質問・コメントする際には、「誰」が「いつ」書いたかということがわかるように、最後に をクリックし署名していただけるようお願い申し上げます。

Welcome to Japanese Wiktionary. Thank you for your contributions! If you don't prefer to use Japanese, and when looking for further information, feel free to visit Wiktionary:Sabo. Enjoy!


なお、このメッセージは主に利用者‐会話ページに何も記入されていない方に投稿しております。ジダネさんが、すでに活動を開始されてから期間が経っていらっしゃるのでしたら、ご存知のことばかりをご案内したかもしれません。不明をお詫び申し上げます。--Ninomy - chat 2007年2月25日 (日) 10:03 (UTC)返信



せめてカテゴリつけて頂けません?--Kuty 2007年4月7日 (土) 08:11 (UTC)返信

カテゴリをつけろっていうことが分かりません?--Kuty 2007年4月7日 (土) 08:15 (UTC)返信








I don't know what everyone's problem is. OK, so my articles are not very good, and badly formatted, but they are better then nothing and can be easily improved at a latter date. At present the Japanese Wiktionary is of little use to anyone because of the lack of articles. The articles you write may be of high standard, but there are too few of them. I am hoping that by quickly increasing the number of articles, the Japanese Wiktionary will start to be used as a dictionary by other people who will improve on my work. Afterall, that's the idea behind letting anyone edit Wikipedia and Wiktionary.

Welcome to Japanese Wiktionary.
We understand you are trying to contribute Japanese Wiktionary, but not a few writers are embarrassed by amount of new stubs.
Please imagine why we would not have increased articles whenever we could do so. I think it is caused by the personality of Japanese people. Most of Japanese people prefer Quality to Quantity. When a Japanese Wiktionary writer finds an incomplete article, he cannot help improving it. But because there are not so many active writers now, we feel bothersome. Therefore we hesitate to write familiar words, e.g. Japanese words, Kanji (Chinese characters). English is the most popular foreign language in Japan, so a lot of Japanese people know the meanings of basic English words. We do not think that we have to make an article only with an equivalent, but we want more information for example, example sentences, usages, etymologies, translations of other languages, and we are glad to see such articles. On the other hand, about unfamiliar language like Irish, it is fun for us to see an article even only with an equivalent because we have seldom seen them,
It is very honorable for us that you are interested in Japanese culture and trying to contribute our activity, but I hope that you will make efforts to enrich your articles or to introduce new words for us (e.g. Irish terms). I would like you to understand what I think.
Please forgive me my poor English Writing ability. Thank you
OK. I did not think other people would be so embarrassed by short articles. The Japanese way of thinking is very different to our own. On the English Wikipedia, short articles are encouraged as the starting point for a great article. I can not write very good Japanese (I can't even write very good English, see underware) so I can't make the articles any longer. Also I don't know any Irish, the Irish words I added I got from the English Wiktionary, so I can't add many of them. I do not wish to cause trouble; I hoped my articles would be improved by many people and not just 3 people completely rewriting them, so I will leave. I am sorry for the trouble caused, I thought I was helping, and I wish you GOOD LUCK and future success!

誤解されると困るのですが、これは何も投稿するなというものではありません。いいたいことは、特に基礎的な語の記述をするのであれば、単なる言い換え等でないように、よく内容を吟味していただきたいということです。--Mtodo 2007年4月7日 (土) 08:25 (UTC)返信